Thursday, March 15, 2012

Use PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) instead of NMA (Negative Mental Attitude)

Build strong confidence and you are on your way. You do this by attacking the "disadvantage complex."
Don't be tricked, tripped, and trapped by the disadvantages complexes if one or more are bothering you.

                                                                  " I'm too Old."

The truth is you are never too old to change. You are not too old to change until you give up.Only when you reach to the point where you don't care anymore - then, and only then-are you old. You are not old until you have lost your vision.

                                                               " I'm handicapped."

The most serious handicap any person can have is an impossibility complex. For him, everything is impossible. You are not handicap until you think you are.

                              " I don't have time, money, or energy to do what I'd like to do."

Are you sure? Many successful businessman started from nothing. You will find time if you spend your time wisely. you always have energy if you will not allow yourself to be drained from useless and nonsense issues.

                                                " I am from a lowly background."

So what? No one's background or past is disadvantageous unless he makes it so in his thinking! Remember, any disadvantage rightly handled can be turned into an advantage.

                              " I came from a broken home. I had an awful childhood."

" My parents quarreled, then divorced, and I was shuttled back and forth. I am afraid I am an emotional cripple for the rest of my life." Is that so? Only if you want it to be. It's your choice.

                                                " I don't know the right people."

So what? Get acquainted with big people. If you have a reason. Don't be afraid. Successful and important people are usually interested in helping other people with good ideas. All you need is the nerve to contact these kind of people. You can build a friendship with famous people if you forget your inferiority feelings, muster great nerve and walk up confidently to enthusiastically introduce yourself.

                                            " I don't have a good education."

"My I.Q. is lower than others." So What. "First prizes don't always go to the brightest and strongest man. Again and again the man who wins is the man who is sure that he can."

         You are not a failure. You are not an accident. You are special with unique potentials.  Your life here on earth has a purpose. One of that purpose is for you to be successful in all your endeavors, plans, goals and dreams. Don't let  negativism pull you down, Stand up and Go for it!  May God bless us all richly! :)